The Dali Universe

The Dali Universe is the brand of a collection of Salvador Dalí artworks curated by Mr. Beniamino Levi.

The Origins

Mr. Levi began his path in the art business in the late ´50s when he opened an art gallery in the very center of Milan, in Via Montenapoleone. Thanks to this activity he had the chance to meet and trade the top artists of the time. Picasso, Andy Wahrol, Lucio Fontana and Salvador Dalí where often exhibited at his gallery.

Since the late ´70s he started to focus mainly on the world of Salvador Dalí sculptures, where he developed a strong expertise. As a result in a short time he became not only a trader and collector, but also one of the most important editors. In the early ´90s he opened the Dalí Paris exhibition and started what is now the group Dali Universe.

The Maturity

The Dali Universe today is one of the most relevant institution in the Dalí art market. The number of artworks in the collection is probably the biggest in private hands. Several concurrent exhibitions are managed by the group , most notably the Dali Paris, the Persistence of Opposites in Matera (Italy), Enigma in Prague or the Dali exhibition in Bruges (Belgium). The sculptures edited by the group are in many private and public collections.

For almost 14 years Massimo Martina has lead the Dali Universe as CFO, side by side with Mr. Levi and with the COO Mr. Alex Doppia. During these years the group has grown from a family business to a professional company. It has widened the worldwide network of partners and client galleries and reinforced its position as a center of excellence for Salvador Dalí sculptures.

What´s next

There are still however many countries in which the sculptural works of the master of surrealism are still little known. The new journey Mr. Martina has embraced aims to bring this collection and these artworks to new countries. The goal is to establish partnerships with galleries and cultural entities or venues active in their communities. Partnes would have the opportunity to offer their clients and visitors a unique insight in the dreamy world of Salvador Dalí.